The URL popup menu provides a simple way of creating a URL from the documents in the editor, which can be cut and pasted into your documents, or used as the default by the Create HyperText Link command.
Any URLs entered into the URL list on the Preferences card will be appended to the URL popUp menu.
Set Named Anchor
A named anchor provides a useful way of jumping to a specific place within a large document, similar to the way this Help text window operates.
Create HyperText Link
Adds an HTML "Anchor" given a text selection as "hot text".
Create Link To Previous, Next Document, Selected Document…
Inserts a hypertext link to the previous or next document (as located sequentially in the HTML.edit editor), or a selected document. The link will use the current text selection as hot text or will insert the anchor into the text at the insertion point. If the checkbox "Confirm Automated HyperText Links" (on the Preferences card under "Editor") is checked, a dialog box will be displayed confirming the link before it is inserted.
Index Anchors
Displays a list of all anchors within the current document. See also HTML Code Indexing.
Back to HyperText menu, on to Heading menu, or return to Contents.